these are the top tech influencers for data professionals to follow

Top Tech Influencers for Data Professionals to Follow on Social

Picture of Lillian Pierson, P.E.

Lillian Pierson, P.E.

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Top Tech Influencers for Data ProfessionalsIf you’ve been following along with the Data-Mania blog recently, then you’ve learned about the power of branding yourself as a data-driven professional. You’ve seen why it’s important to get active on social media. Now I want to give you a brief heads up on some top tech influencers for data professionals to follow.

Unlike all those Twitter popularity contests you see (Read: Who’s Who of Twitter bot strategy), this list isn’t about promoting businesses or who’s got the most followers. These recommendations for top tech influencers for data professionals to follow are all made with YOU in mind. That’s why I have taken the time to spell out exactly what you can expect to gain from following these individuals.

And without further ado…

Top Tech Influencers for Data Professionals to Follow on Twitter

Andrej Karpathy

Director of AI at Tesla. Previously a Research Scientist at OpenAI, and CS PhD student at Stanford. I like to train Deep Neural Nets on large datasets.

What You’ll Gain From Following Andrej:

Karpathy is the guy to follow if you’re a deep learning enthusiast. If you follow him, you’re going to get access to a live, direct stream of deep learning resources that he creates and generously shares with the world through his GitHub account. By following him on Twitter, you’re signing up for access to updates on what’s happening, front-and-center, with deep learning, AI, and even self-driving cars — straight out of Silicon Valley, from a deep learning guru himself.

Ian Goodfellow

Google Brain research scientist Lead author of  Co-author of ML security blog 

What You’ll Gain From Following Ian:

Like Karpathy, when you follow Goodfellow, you’re signing up for a live stream of updates that are in-deep with cutting edge advancements in deep learning. Unlike Karpathy, Goodfellow seems bent on helping newcomers enter the deep learning field. He has even gone so far as to publish a free book on deep learning, appropriately titled Deep Learning Book. Keep an eye on his Twitter feed for fresh how-tos and news releases on deep learning and Google Brain.

Hilary Mason

Founder at . Data Scientist in Residence at . I [heart] data and cheeseburgers.

What You’ll Gain From Following Hilary:

When you follow Hilary, it’s like signing up for a series of mini-lessons on practical data science, straight from the fingertips of a data science maestro. Mason’s perspective is unique because she’s got boots-on-the-ground in data science entrepreneurship in NYC (unlike Karpathy and Goodfellow, who’s work is thick-ladden with research and academia). Mason uses a common-language, personal approach with her tweets, and takes the time to make the subject as approachable as it can be.

Top Tech Influencers for Data Professionals to Follow on Instagram

Estefannie Explains It All

???? ????‍???? ???? Software Engineer, Maker, and YouTuber ✉️ hello [@]

What You’ll Gain From Following Estefannie:

If you’ve been considering applying your data savvy to  the areas of smart devices, IoT or AI robotics, then Estefannie is definitely the gal for you. When you follow Estefannie, brace yourself to receive a continual stream of YouTube videos where she shows you how she actually makes smart devices, using things like Arduino, RasberryPi, and solar panels. To get an idea of what sorts of amazing madness you’re getting yourself into, keep an eye on her IG for updates on makes she’s publishing.

Laura Medalia

software engineer working at a startup in NYC sharing my ❤of coding, ????, fashion & jokes.???? ????: Hello [@]

What You’ll Gain From Following Laura:

Laura is a true leader for young people and women in tech. Even if you’re over 30, like me, there is so much you’ll benefit by following @codergirl_, especially if you’re considering going into data engineering or becoming a machine learning engineer. Through her Instagram posts, Laura tells the story of what it’s like to work as a developer at a start-up in New York City. In her InstaStories, she shares images and videos that document conversations she has with her fellow developers, fun things they do together, and so much more. Her channel is almost like reality TV for software engineers. If you want a true inside view of what it’s like to eat, live, and breathe coding and application development at a thriving start-up, follow Laura.

Lillian Pierson

I train working pros to do data science ????Career Coach for aspiring data pros ???? ????Watch My Video Interview????????

What You’ll Gain From Following Lillian:

Ok, so ye – this is me! I had to include myself here though because, technically-speaking, I have the largest Instagram account that’s focused on the data niche. By following my Instagram account, you’re going to see some of the amazing things that are possible for you when you think outside-the-box when it comes to your career in data. I share moments, motivational posts, and words of wisdom that tell the story of what it’s like to be a self-employed, world-traveling, expat, wife and mother of 1, data scientist.

Top Tech Influencers for Data Professionals to Follow on LinkedIn

Bernard Marr

Best-Selling Author, Keynote Speaker and Leading Business and Data Expert

What You’ll Gain From Following Bernard:

As one of the top tech influencers for data professionals to follow, the best thing about following Bernard is that you’ll get access to his high-level summaries on how businesses are benefiting by deploying blended data engineering, data science, and analytics solutions. His case studies are quite valuable if you need to quickly learn how big data benefits business, and you don’t want to have to rack your brain wading through a bunch of overly-technical mumbo-jumbo. If you want quick and easy-to-understand updates on how to apply analytics to business, following Bernard is a great way to get those.

Carla Gentry

Data Scientist at Talent Analytics, Corp.

What You’ll Gain From Following Carla:

Carla is a real person, and her authenticity has never been in doubt. She has several decades of experience doing data science (or what was essentially “data science” before we called it that). The best thing about following Carla is her opinion. When she shares good articles, she tends to relay her opinion and experience on technical matters within the industry. When you follow her, you’ll get access to micro-segments of her experience, and what she’s learned. If you truly want to understand all areas of data science, from cutting-edge developments to age-old implementation, following Carla will give you that, in micro-batch.


Tom Davenport

Professor at Babson College

What You’ll Gain From Following Tom:

Similar to Bernard, when you follow Tom, you’re going to get access to updates that give you high-level, easy-to-understand examples of how data technologies and methodologies are benefiting modern businesses. Tom also releases videos though, of him giving high-level talks on data-driven topics. He’s keen on covering the future of work, and automation – important topics that we should all be keeping an eye on if we want to be prepared to meet the challenges tomorrow will certainly bring.

Who did I miss? If you can think of user-focused influencers who seriously provide benefit to data professionals that follow, please write them into the comment section below, along with a note on how people can expect to benefit by following them.

Want more tips on things you can do to enhance your career in the data professions? Follow me on Instagram, LinkedIn and Twitter, or just sign-up for my newsletter in the sign-up box below.

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